Read it, you gonna relate it!

We certainly feel upset or feel stress when we don't stand across all the expectations of our parents,love and dear ones.To all the teenagers who are stressed out about their career,settlement etc...
Remember on our long run,its not the fault of our parents that they expect from us,its the generation gap,their upbringings and they were brought this way that once a child is born,they will grow and give a feedback or payback to their parents. It has been going on since ages.
In the fast learning world,we are such kids in which our surroundings is full of technological things ,new inventions and what not.We are getting lots of opportunities when  we are at need, we get  things appropriately according to our needs.We always want to work according to our wishes and passion but our parents expect us to work according to their expectations or wishes or their dreams which they couldnot fulfill because of the problem we are facing right now about confusion of career choices and  expectations from their parents too.(ps:they struggle alot because of poverty crisis).
This is not a blog of accusing our parents that we cant lead on to their expectations but a message to all the youngsters/teenagers that when we start a family or have kids in the future,give them the knowledge you gain,share the experiences and your worth struggles.Ask them what they want to do,support them and tell them never expect anything from the ones whom you have given much out of love and certainly do things with love and respect.Always expect things from which we invest not certainly what work we do from the core of our heart.("Sri Krishna said: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.")

We should always try to build a good character and support each other so that they can overcome any situations.Never keep much expectations ,just work without any benefit and selfishness.
Its not only about parents expectations but also any kind of relationships, maybe a friend, bestfriend etc,etc...

I hope after reading this you got to know that stress is just a temporary feeling that will pass in the short span of time and expectations is just as  the pandemic which we fight everyday one way or the other.Always Thanks the Universe and hope and pray this shall will pass.


  1. Parents struggle a lot for us behind the scenes and that's why they have expectations. However, in the end, they will still be happy even if we carve our own path and stand strong.
    The perspective was very good. Keep writing. :)


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