
Well, how many of you think what feminism is? 

I guess we all are often aware of the "fake feminism" or "pseudo feminism" trending all around. Let me ask you a question what do you mean by the term "PERSON"?

For me, I think if we term person it means both boy and girl and we all know that every person is not the same or not alike with each other. So similarly every person(boy/girl)may be bad or may involve in anything!

But particularly blaming a specifically to one gender is completely wrong. Feminism doesn't really show that we are superior to men or any other gender! Lemme term in a good way: Feminism is a range of social movementspolitical movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.

The definition itself says that equality of sexes not superior. So why some people are showing this creepy term(we all women are better than men) and making it trendy. We all youngsters should rise up on this. I know and we all know there are some places where women are not getting their rights and in fact, almost all over India women are not safe.

Every day we hear a number of cases and we do is blaming the government, authority, and whatnot. What we do is post status, stories about fake feminism and literally, we do nothing.
Well this is a good way of raising voices but is it really so, are we actually going to change thoughts by this?
We all have the right to express and know what is wrong and right, taking blame games is always the wrong path we have chosen. Rather than doing that try to change your mindset and their mindset and everyone around you, educate them and teach them what is good or bad!

Stop judging that we are better than man, rather judge the situation of good and bad and listen up to both the side.
If we actually change it, change your mind of judging!


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